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How can scattered pig farmers do to deal with the pig breeding re-shuffle of Sichuan Province

" The first pig breeding province" Sichuan has become a battleground. At the end of last year, Wens announcement announced that it would be the size of the six million pigs raised in the year of 2019, and Twins group would not show weakness, saying it would build a 5 million pig breeding base in Sichuan. New Hope Group Chairman Liu Yonghao at the end of the fourth session of the Sichuan Agricultural Cooperation and Development Conference revealed that the next 3 to 5 years, the new hope that the national breeding 10 million pigs, of which Sichuan is an important area; almost the same time , Sichuan Dekang agriculture and animal husbandry technology companies to invest 3.03 billion yuan to develop 1 million "Neijiang pig" project, invest 7.5 billion yuan in Yibin layout 5 million pig breeding and intensive processing project officially signed ... ...


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