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Pig disease three percent by treating and seven percent by recuperating



three percent by treating and seven percent by recuperating, in our country has been circulating thousands of years, meaning treatment of disease, treatment is necessary, but if left to support, then the disease is not necessarily completely cured. This sentence applies to people, the same applies to pigs, but in the pig production, but many people ignored.

For example, pig diarrhea, gastrointestinal tract has been damaged, the treatment can only kill the bacteria caused by the disease, and can not repair the damaged tissue, it can not be said to be completely cured. Repair damage to the site, it depends on their own repair function; and its own repair function, you need appropriate conditions, such as nutrition, temperature, air quality.

Nutrition is the repair of raw materials, no nutrition, pigs can only use other organizations to repair, dismantling the wall, the body is still unfavorable, so the pig disease to eat, but also to eat good things.


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