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"Jiangsu provincial government investment fund Park bank" entered Changzhou for the first time

On December 16, Changzhou 2021 Rural Revitalization and development seminar and agricultural enterprise capital docking meeting was held, which was also the first time that "Jiangsu provincial government investment fund Park Trip" entered Changzhou to hold an activity. At the meeting, Jiangsu Fuquan (Changzhou) rural industry development fund, the first agricultural equity participation fund of the provincial government investment fund in Changzhou, was inaugurated, which increased the scale of Changzhou rural industry fund from 100 million yuan to 200 million yuan. At the same time, Changzhou supply and marketing rural industry fund with a scale of 150 million yuan was established, which introduced a number of high-quality agricultural enterprises and polished Changzhou's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" Business cards. Vice Mayor Xu Zheng and leaders of the Fund Department of the Provincial Department of Finance attended the meeting and delivered speeches. At the meeting, Jiangsu Fuquan (Changzhou) rural industry development fund and Changzhou supply and marketing rural industry fund signed contracts; five direct equity investment projects, "strategic cooperation framework agreement of financial education enabling Rural Revitalization" and investment loan linkage cooperative banks signed contracts. Dr. He Qing, R & D director of our company, participated in the on-site signing ceremony of direct equity investment projects as a representative of "Tongtai biology". Changzhou Tongtai Biopharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech biomedical enterprise integrating R & D, production, sales and service of medical products such as animal vaccines. Adhering to the corporate culture of "creating Kangtai with one heart and leading the future with one effort", the company is committed to building the first brand of pet diagnosis and treatment in China based on the present and the future. Changzhou agricultural industry development investment fund's equity investment in Tongtai biology is not only an affirmation of Tongtai's technical level and industrial development objectives, but also an expectation for Tongtai biology to develop domestic well-known animal protection brands based on Changzhou's agricultural industry foundation. It is believed that with the strong boost of Changzhou government fund, Tongtai biology will create a well-known brand in the pet medical industry, so that Changzhou Zhizao can move towards the whole country and the world. It was learned at the meeting that in recent years, Changzhou has continuously improved the "five in one" fiscal and financial coordinated agricultural support policy system of finance, fund, bank, insurance and guarantee. Since 2018, through the "troika" of agriculture related funds, policy agricultural credit guarantee and policy agricultural insurance, the accumulated leveraging of various funds has exceeded 3.1 billion yuan, the leverage of financial investment has been increased by as much as three times, and the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has been supported through multiple channels. Among them, by the end of November, Changzhou agricultural industry development investment fund and Changzhou rural industry development fund had leveraged 326 million yuan; The cumulative guarantee balance of policy agricultural credit guarantee reached 2.6 billion yuan, which has saved 12.87 million yuan of guarantee fees for the city's agricultural business entities this year; There are 40 types of policy based agricultural insurance, providing farmers with risk protection of about 6.046 billion yuan per year.

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