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Tongtai Biological won the 2022 Changzhou Airport Industrial Park (Luoxi Town) Development Quality and Efficiency Award


In order to vigorously implement the "532" development strategy of the whole city and further promote the "three major projects" of the whole district, the Changzhou Airport Industrial Park (Luoxi Town) held a grand industrial development conference on the morning of January 30. The whole town focused on the development orientation of "strong industrial town, important transportation town and new ecological town" around the construction pace of the "new energy city" of the city and district, followed the theme of high-quality development, accelerated industrial upgrading and strengthened innovation drive, Strive to achieve a new leap in economic and social development, and make full efforts to sprint and break through the goal of "one hundred billion strong towns".

More than 170 people attended the meeting, including leaders at all levels of the district and town, as well as commended enterprise representatives and heads of relevant functional organizations of the town. At the meeting, outstanding enterprises and units were commended, and the scale contribution award and development quality and efficiency award were awarded. Changzhou Tongtai Bio-pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. won the 2022 Changzhou Airport Industrial Park (Luoxi Town) Development Quality and Efficiency Award.601570be4798230187904883550d3d6

Tongtai Biotechnology adheres to the development path of "specialization, refinement, specialization and innovation". This time, the provincial specialized and specialized small and medium-sized enterprises won the 2022 Changzhou Airport Industrial Park (Luoxi Town) Development Quality and Efficiency Award, which is an affirmation of the company's years of technological innovation and business development, and will further enhance the company's influence and competitiveness in the industry. In the future, based on pet vaccines, Tongtai Biological will extend its business to pet disease diagnosis reagents, diagnosis and treatment instruments, and nutrition and health care products, and integrate the above pet medical products on the platform of pet hospitals, and is committed to building the first brand of pet diagnosis and treatment in China.



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