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China, Mongolia and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization will further strengthen cooperation for transboundary animal disease prevention and control


Report from our correspondent  
In November 3, 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture veterinary bureau, the Mongolia veterinary and animal department of Food and Agriculture Ministry in  China and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in China, Mongolia and Korea office  jointly organized the "cross-border animal disease prevention and Control Conference"in Beijing, focuses on relevant questions of the foot-and-mouth disease prevention and control work.Zhang Zhongqiu,the secretary from the ministry of agriculture Veterinary Services attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.Zhang Zhongqiu said, effective prevention and control of foot-and-mouth disease is the common challenges facing the world which need the joint efforts of the veterinary workers all over the world to formulate and implement the practical strategy of prevention and control.Under the framework of FAO, to discuss the project that joint the prevention and control cross-border animal epidemic disease area  is of great significance.It's not only conducive to promote the national foot-and-mouth disease prevention and control capacity of China and Mongolia, but also conducive to construct and improve the regional transboundary animal disease mechanism .

In order to promote the level of bilateral and regional veterinary work , the meeting decided to strengthen cooperations as follow: first, China, Mongolia,an FAO jointly research and try to build a successful model of foot and mouth disease prevention and control. The two is to start from the animal disease prevention and control, strengthening the capacity of build the bilateral veterinary system .Thirdly, China and Mongolia continue to play a coordinating role and promote the establishment and perfection of the mechanism for joint prevention and control of animal diseases.

Nearly 40 people attended the meeting.They come from the international department and veterinary bureau of  China  Agriculture Ministry, FAO, Mongolia's veterinary and animal breeding department belong to food and Agriculture Ministry of light industry ,  Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia,and Xinjiang provinces (autonomous regions)veterinary administrative department of animal husbandry, animal disease prevention and control center of China, Chinese veterinary pharmaceuticals supervision, China animal health and Epidemiology Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute and other units.

Center , China veterinary Drug Control, China Animal Health and epidemiology Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin veterinary Research Institute, Lanzhou veterinary Research Institute and other units on behalf of nearly 40 people attended the meeting.


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