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The effect analysis of Montmorillonite

Also known as microcrystalline kaolinite montmorillonite, is a stratified structure, crystalline silicate clay mineral, due to its initial discovery in the French city of montmorillonite and named.

Montmorillonite development in China was made by France in 1992 " Smecta montmorillonite powder as" antidiarrheal promotion, after the 2006 first" have" ads on CCTV hit, and then to the montmorillonite concept formally entered into thousands of households.

In recent years, with the development of techniques and improvement of modified montmorillonite, montmorillonite has been widely applied in medicine, veterinary medicine, feed, aquaculture and other fields, especially in the animal husbandry to diarrhea, anti-mildew and bacteria, water purification, hemostatic and antiphlogistic, resistance to stress the most hot.

Montmorillonite is a kind of green environmental protection, natural products, without any toxic side effects. Because Shou Guang in the fine montmorillonite Limited is committed to the professional field of medicine and animal husbandry areas with montmorillonite R & D, the montmorillonite in the two areas of application are summarized as follows:

One, the treatment of diarrhea, protect the gastrointestinal mucosa -- antidiarrheal effect

Diarrhea due to bacterial diarrhea, viral diarrhea, parasitic diarrhea, infection of factors such as diarrhea. Montmorillonite for a variety of causes diarrhea has unique therapeutic effect, its mechanism of action is within the gastrointestinal tract pathogens, and they produce toxins, gas has very strong adsorption, fixed, inhibition, which lost its pathogenicity, promote gastrointestinal mucosal damage of epithelial regeneration, recovery of intestinal peristalsis normal rhythm, the maintenance of intestinal transport and absorption, improve gastrointestinal immune function. A number of pharmaceutical manufacturers of montmorillonite powder or veterinary drug manufacturers Powder antidiarrheal drugs are the treatment of diarrhea by montmorillonite function and achieve the desired effect.

Two, adsorption and removal of mycotoxin effects -- anti-mildew agent

Montmorillonite is a natural layered silicate nanometer material, the thickness of each layer is only 1 nm, small particle size, specific surface area, per cubic millimeter (half a rice ) can accommodate three hundred billion granules, powder can cover 110 square meters per gram of the basketball court size digestive surface, can enhance the mucosal barrier function; plus montmorillonite uneven charge characteristics, the basic layer of negatively charged, positively charged montmorillonite interlayer, which has strong electrostatic adsorption capacity, adsorption fixation suppression of multiple viruses, bacteria and their toxins produced by normal flora, balance, improve gastrointestinal immune function. Montmorillonite is viscoplastic, between layer and layer can slide open, in the digestive tract of extension, between the layers is not messy separation, thereby forming a continuous protective film.

Montmorillonite itself with strong adsorption capacity, strong and mildew and bacteria factor, can effectively remove various harmful mycotoxins in feed, removal of toxins on animal body damage, the Yellow aspergillin, ochratoxin, zearalenone mycotoxin, toxin, T2 toxins such as mycotoxins have strong adsorption, fixed, inhibitory effect.

Therefore, montmorillonite as a high-quality anti-mildew agent has been widely used.

Three, coagulation hemostasis effect -- a hemostatic agent

Montmorillonite can activate coagulation factor, in the digestive tract using montmorillonite as core is formed on the surface of the blood clot., can also promote vasoconstriction. Reduce the local blood flow, has the very good hemostasis, wound healing acceleration effect. In pigs born, castration, tail, applied to the cord and the wound, can also be damaged when used for hemostasis in animal trauma.

Four, anti-stress effect -- anti-stress additives

Stress is an animal body by in vitro and in vivo non specific harmful factors ( stressors ) stimuli demonstrated dysfunction and defense responses. The common stress original variety, such as cold, heat, noise, trauma, body movement, nervous tension, high blood pressure. Appropriate natural stress can improve animal productivity, feed conversion rate and wide resistance. If the stress is excessive, it will produce severe adverse effects, such as animal immunity, reduced productivity, secondary infection with other diseases, and even death.

Montmorillonite is a kind of raising livestock and poultry anti-stress ability of green natural additives, with its simple use method, add less, the effect is apparent, no adverse reaction has been the vast numbers of users. Use the fields as follows:

( 1) in the animal before and after weaning taking, can effectively reduce the stress response, enhancing animal immunity and the absorption of nutrients.

( 2) in a constantly changing weather, cold and hot when taking, can effectively enhance animal resistance, reduce the adverse reaction caused by stress factors.

( 3) in animal shift bar, clean the excrement or transport use, can reduce the catching of the shock caused by the stress response, also can reduce the transport stress in defecation, thereby reducing stress harm to animals.

Five, dry surface effect -- talcum powder

( 1) montmorillonite can quickly dry surface, to maintain body temperature, reduce water evaporation caused by physical loss, accelerate the healing speed of drying, umbilical cord, to prevent bacterial invasion, the primary animal placenta simply erased by montmorillonite, it completely dry, especially the umbilical part, promote newborn animals adapt to the environment the ability of.

( 2) inhibit bacterial reproduction, keep dry environment.

( 3) directly onto the animal of the vulva, to dry, bacteriostasis, prevention of uterine inflammation, vaginitis, vaginal diseases.

( 4) to improve survival rate of newborn animals, can make the newborn animals in a shorter period of time to stand and walk, and more, faster to eat colostrum.

In six, the adsorption of ammonia, purifying the environment role -- rearing environment improving agent

Continuous overcast and rainy weather, keeping the environment moist is a variety of mycotoxins cause the high incidence of disease, montmorillonite can effectively improve the rearing environment, adsorption of ammonia gas, reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases. Can be directly sprayed on the livestock and poultry litter, solved by the litter moisture caused by the physical loss, inhibit bacterial reproduction, reduce diarrhea, coccidia, the incidence of respiratory diseases, promoting the health growth of animals.

Seven, purify water, reduce the toxic substances harmful to -- water quality improving agent

( 1) to regulate water quality, enhance immunity, eliminate the pond bottom rancidity and geological causes rust, iron, sulphur, ammonia standard material; can significantly reduce the crabs in the shelling of the stress response, promote growth, increase the survival rate; can significantly reduce the time net caused by the pool bottom mud of hydrogen sulfide and heavy metal toxic substances flood pool caused by toxic reaction.

( 2) eliminate, degradation of the surrounding waters for industrial wastewater emissions caused by the water of culture pond, toxic elements heavy metals ( mercury, antimony, arsenic, aluminum) pollution, to create a good quality environment, makes the growth of fish and shrimp environment has been in a good state, improve the yield of fish and shrimp.

( 3) rapid lifting of shrimp crab fish and shellfish toxins, improve the immunity of the organism, restore the normal feeding crabs. Stability at the bottom of the pool, pH value, and can continue to release oxygen, increase dissolved oxygen in water and the flow of oxygen, can rise to adjust, supplement of aquaculture in the roles of trace elements, can effectively promote the body metabolism in fish and shrimp, disease prevention, improve the survival rate of.

( 4) reduce the fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish in vivo drug residues, coordination of organisms on amino acid balance absorption, can make the fish shrimp shellfish bright color, delicious meat, improve product quality.

( 5) to reduce the nutrient deficiency ( snails ), piebald fish scales fall off, promote shellfish, fish growth.

( 6) effective degradation of acid rain, dew rain toxicity, prevention of shrimp crab fish liver poisoning.


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