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2016 major animal disease vaccine quality supervision work forum held in Beijing

On december 9th, 2016, China Institute of Veterinary Drugs Control(hereinafter referred to as IVDC) organized in Beijing in 2016 the major animal disease vaccine quality supervision work forum. Mr.Diao Xinyu Ms. Song Junxia,Ms.Gu Hong,Mr.Cai Xuepeng,Mr.Li Ming,Mr.Cheng Xinyuan attended the meeting.The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Feng Zhongze. The person in charge of the relevant business office IVDC and the head of quality control of sentinel production enterprises of avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease and veterinary zoonotic diseases attended the meeting.

The meeting summarized and exchanged the situation of the quality control and biosecurity about the avian flu, foot and mouth disease vaccines and other major animal disease vaccine . around the implementation of the "Ministry of Agriculture on the issuance of" foot and mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza production enterprise planning " The spirit and the "veterinary drug production quality management practices," the revision of a thematic study, and to further improve the quality of vaccine and biosafety regulatory arrangements for the deployment of the work.

Deputy director Diao Xinyu gave a key interpretation in the speech about "foot-and-mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza manufacturing enterprises to set the plan", fully affirmed the major animal disease vaccine quality supervision and management achievements, and to further improve the production of major animal disease vaccine With the quality control work put forward clear requirements and deployment. Secretary Li briefed the public on the quality and supervision of avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease and veterinary zoonoses in 2016. Prof. Cai Xuepeng pointed out in his speech that all manufacturing enterprises should improve GMP awareness, ensure product safety, biosafety and production safety, put good materials, inspection and GMP mark, and put forward clear requirements for the next step.


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